Each man seeks in Masonry for himself, and each man finds for himself. Each Mason has an absolute right to interpret
Masonry for himself as he sees fit. With our long tradition of prizing intellectual liberty and individual thought,
it could not be otherwise. But if no interpretation of Masonry is officially "right", there are some which are clearly
wrong. When someone ascribes words to a person which that person never wrote, or when someone insists that Masons believe
something which has never been a part of the lessons of Masonry, it is the duty of every thinking Mason to say, "That is
not what Masonry teaches!" It is my prayer that every thoughtful person who wants to know more about Freemasonry
will read this information and review again in his heart the lessons of Him who taught it is better to love than to hate
and fear, and that it is our duty to cherish all mankind, to strive to be better tomorrow than we were yesterday, and to
strive to emulate the compassion and caring of the Good Shepherd.